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来源: 免费文学网 时间:2024-04-20
1、我想说,我爱你不是3分钟热度,绝对不是。 I want to say, I love you not 3 minutes heat, absolutely not. 2、在遇见你之后,结婚这事,我没有想过别人。 After meeting you, I didn't think of anyone else about marriage. 3、也许你走出了我的视线,却没走出我的思念。 Maybe you are out of my sight, but not out of my missing. 4、你全身上下都会说话,连背影都意味深长。 You can talk all over your body, even your back is meaningful. 5、有时候我不懂你,不懂你的心,不懂你的爱。 Sometimes I do not understand you, do not understand your heart, do not understand your love. 6、每个城市都会下雨,就像我走到哪都会想你。 Every city will rain, just like I will miss you wherever I go. 7、我一直喜欢疼你、宠着你、照顾你一生一世。 I always like to love you, spoil you and take care of you all my life. 8、如果你要拉着我不走,我是不会拒绝你的。 If you want to hold me back, I won't refuse you. 9、感谢我的老公,你如此爱我,我又怎会不知? Thank my husband, you love me so much, how can I know? 10、我的心是旷野的鸟,在你的眼里找到了天空。 My heart, a bird of the wilderness, has found the sky in your eyes. 11、这世界上除了你,谁都没资格陪在我身边。 No one in the world is qualified to accompany me except you. 12、求求你了,求求你别再出现在我的梦里了。 Please, please don't appear in my dream again. 13、做我对象好不好,实在不行,我做你对象。 It's not good to be my partner. I'm your partner. 14、因为有了你,让我的世界焕发出了光彩一样。 Because of you, let my world glow with brilliance. 15、渴望吹远方的风,淋自由的雨,走有你的路。 Eager to blow the wind in the distance, the rain of freedom, walk on your way. 16、爱情是以微笑开始,以吻长生,以泪结束。 Love begins with a smile, ends with a kiss and ends with tears. 17、从你这里学会了相思成疾,得到了无药可医。 I learned from you that Acacia has become a disease, and that there is no medicine to cure. 18、友情之上,恋人未满。不甘朋友,不敢恋人。 Above friendship, lovers are not full. Unwilling to be friends, afraid of lovers. 19、我不并不是什么好脾气,我只是不想失去你。 I don't have a good temper. I just don't want to lose you. 20、做不了你的周幽王,那便舍身做烽火一场。 If you can't be your king of Zhou you, you will sacrifice yourself to be a beacon fire. 21、想念,不停挥霍,曾经那份承诺已不属于我。 Miss, continue to squander, once that commitment does not belong to me. 22、我还是喜欢你,像风走了八万里,不问归期。 I still like you, like the wind walked 80000 miles, do not ask the return date. 23、我也想浪荡一生,却一不小心钟情了一个人。 I also want to wander all my life, but I fell in love with someone. 24、小生无礼,忘了介绍自己,还望姑娘恕罪! I'm so rude that I forgot to introduce myself. Please forgive me! 25、若有情,天涯也咫尺,若有爱,时光也静止。 If there is love, the horizon is close, if there is love, time is still. 26、一辈子不长,能够遇到你,是多么幸运的事。 Life is not long, how lucky it is to meet you. 27、你不谈恋爱会老的,这样就会变成我老婆。 You'll grow old if you don't fall in love, and you'll become my wife. 28、你也太不像话了,美的太不像话了,哈哈。 You are too shameful, too beautiful, ha ha. 29、我的眼里只有你,你的大脸让我看不到别人。 My eyes are only you, your big face let me not see others. 30、你要过得很好,不要让我有想照顾你的冲动。 You have to have a good life. Don't make me want to take care of you. 31、好好生活,慢慢爱你,不早不晚刚好是你。 Live a good life, love you slowly, no sooner or later, it's just you. 32、人心换心,你对老公好,老婆也会对你好! Heart to heart, you are good to your husband, your wife will be good to you! 33、我这样不善言辞的人却总是想和你废话连篇。 I'm a bad talker, but I always want to talk to you. 34、以我之名,冠你指间,一生相伴,一世相随。 In my name, crown your fingers, accompanied by life, together. 35、想客户,是我的工作,想你,是我的生活! Think of customers, is my work, miss you, is my life! 36、我遇见的人越多,我就越庆幸能够遇见你。 The more people I meet, the more happy I am to meet you. 37、你的出现不是巧合,而是,恰到好处的缘分。 Your appearance is not a coincidence, but just the right fate. 38、千岛寒流遇到日本暖流时,会温暖整片海域。 When the Qiandao cold current meets the Japanese warm current, it will warm the whole sea area. 39、若能一直与你并肩四季,等待亦不过一天。 If you can always be with you, four seasons, waiting is no more than a day. 40、那柔和的月光,让我对你的思念越发简单了。 That soft moonlight, let me miss you more and more simple. 41、幸福的秘诀在于接受你的现状,过好每一天。 The secret of happiness is to accept your status quo and live every day. 42、我对事物厌倦的太快,而你是我很大的例外。 I get tired of things too quickly, and you are my biggest exception. 43、想你的时候、会看着你的照片独自掉眼泪。 When I miss you, I will look at your photos and cry alone. 44、未来的日子,我想和你,一房二人三餐四季。 In the future, I want to have three meals with you, one room, two people, four seasons. 45、每一个不曾起舞的日子,都是岁生命的辜负。 Every day when you don't dance is a failure of your life. 46、我想花一辈子学语文,去形容我有多爱你。 I want to spend my whole life learning Chinese to describe how much I love you. 47、就算月光在唯美,也改变不了我对你的情。 Even if the moonlight is beautiful, it can't change my love for you. 48、真不知道没有你的这些日子,我是怎么过的。 I don't know how I live without you. 49、你知道世界上哪儿很冷吗?是没有你的地方。 Do you know where is the coldest in the world? It's a place without you. 50、我不怕失败,不怕挫折,因为你在我心里。 I am not afraid of failure, not afraid of setbacks, because you are in my heart. 51、多希望你无人问津,全世界只有我稀罕你。 I hope no one cares about you. I'm the only one in the world. 52、他可能会忘了自己,却始终没有忘记爱你。 He may forget himself, but never forget to love you. 53、我一点也不担心未来没有你,我知道会有你。 I don't worry about the future without you, I know you will. 54、若你说一句跟我来,我会毫不犹豫与你一起。 If you say come with me, I will not hesitate to be with you. 55、爱你没商量,你的眼睛眨一下,我就死去。 Love you no matter, your eyes blink, I die. 56、我想用我的全部,换取1条通往你心里的路。 I want to use all I have for a road to your heart. 57、很开心的事,听见你的声音,得到你的关心。 The happiest thing is to hear your voice and get your concern. 58、我真的,很容易满足,但你给我的都是辜负。 I'm really, it's easy to be satisfied, but what you give me is a failure. 59、这一句我爱你说出口,我会用一生去守候。 This sentence I love you to say, I will spend my life waiting for. 60、为了记住你的笑容,我拼命按下心中的快门。 In order to remember your smile, I tried to press the shutter in my heart.





